Tip Of the Week

Core strength is essential for all activities; and that isnt just your abs, it is also your back!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Buying A Pole

Ladies, lest discuss buying a pole for your home. Many of you may already have one, but for those of you thinking you will jump in. Here are some buying tips and more.

There are several great companies that sell poles. Here are my top two places.

Platinum Stages
Lil' Mynx


Color: You can get poles in color, stainless steel or brass.

Size: Poles usual come in a 2" diameter, but you also have the option of a petite size which is 1.75".

Height: Poles come either as extendable poles that fit a variety of ceiling heights, or you can get custom pales made for you, specific to your ceiling height.

Make: Poles come in pieces, which means they are easily stored or transported, others come in one piece which go from ceiling to floor. Also, you have to decide if you want one that screws into the ceiling for security or a pole that is completely removable.

Model: Poles come in a stationary form, a spinning form, or both. Stationary poles are easier to learn on, they do not move. Spinner poles rotate on ball bearings with the weight of your body, adding extra torque to your tricks, but also an extra challenge.

If you have questions please contact me for details.

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