Tip Of the Week

Core strength is essential for all activities; and that isnt just your abs, it is also your back!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

2010 Pole Dance Championship News

Articles are starting to pop up about the US Pole Dance Championships. People are realizing that it isn't just a fad that is going to go away. Women from all over the country have become obssessed with pole dancing.

How can you blame them? It beats going to a gym and comes with the same physical benefits and even better emotional benefits. Boosting confidence, body awareness, and sex appeal. ABC News seems to agree in this article after seeing the championships for themselves.

ABC News Covers 2010 US Pole Championships

Monday, March 22, 2010

Miss Jenyne Butterfly

Miss Jenyne Butterfly has been my favorite pole dancer since the first time I saw her perform at the 2009 USPDF Competition, the first US Pole Dance competition ever. I was honored to have the opportunity to meet her and take a class with her. I am in awe of her beauty, strength, passion, and pleasant appeal. Thank you Jenyne, for taking your time to share your thoughts, advice, and pole tips. You glow.

In 2009, the division in skill level was clear, between Butterfly and the rest of the competitors. The pure elegance and strength in her movement set her on a whole different playing field. After viewing this years 2010 competitors, Miss Butterfly came out to perform a single dance for the crowd while the judges made their decisions. For me, it was a breath of fresh air and reminder of why she is still my top favorite.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Buying A Pole

Ladies, lest discuss buying a pole for your home. Many of you may already have one, but for those of you thinking you will jump in. Here are some buying tips and more.

There are several great companies that sell poles. Here are my top two places.

Platinum Stages
Lil' Mynx


Color: You can get poles in color, stainless steel or brass.

Size: Poles usual come in a 2" diameter, but you also have the option of a petite size which is 1.75".

Height: Poles come either as extendable poles that fit a variety of ceiling heights, or you can get custom pales made for you, specific to your ceiling height.

Make: Poles come in pieces, which means they are easily stored or transported, others come in one piece which go from ceiling to floor. Also, you have to decide if you want one that screws into the ceiling for security or a pole that is completely removable.

Model: Poles come in a stationary form, a spinning form, or both. Stationary poles are easier to learn on, they do not move. Spinner poles rotate on ball bearings with the weight of your body, adding extra torque to your tricks, but also an extra challenge.

If you have questions please contact me for details.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Create a Taste for Exercise

Going to the gym is not my taste. The idea of getting into the car and driving 15 minutes to the next town over to join a bunch of other people in a place that smells of old rubber and fresh sweat shocks my senses. Destroying all the pleasurable effects of exercise that I look forward to.

I realize that not everyone has a spare room free of clutter, ready and waiting to be transformed into a peaceful place to stretch, breathe, move, gain strength and connect with your body.

However, it is possible to create space in your home whether it is your living room when you are home alone, the corner of your bedroom or a section of the finished basement.

It isn't necessary to buy bulky machinery, layout rubber mat, or keep a whole room empty for you to create a home gym that is functional. There are six necessary things for you to create a successful fitness routine at home.

  1. A Jump Rope - Cardio
  2. Free Weights - Strength
  3. Stability Ball - Balance
  4. Stretch Bands - Flexibility
  5. Mat - Comfort
  6. Guidance - Inspiration
Put together you can have a home gym for less than $50 dollars and as little space as the corner of a room. Guidance could be found in the form of a workout DVD, a blog that gives you tips and new exercises, or a fitness fanatic at work who inspires you. A place to achieve your fitness goals can be made to suit your taste in the comforts of your own home.

$$ Tip: TJ Max is a great place to pick up cheap exercise equipment. Perfect for the home gym.

Monday, March 8, 2010

The Stability Ball

A stability ball is one of those fitness tools that everyone has bought and it ends up slightly deflated hanging out in your basement somewhere.

Now is the time to get it out and start using it!

A stability ball is the perfect compliment to the female workout. Why? Because it is about using all of your muscles to stabilize yourself as you do any exercise; from push-ups to crunches, the stability ball is where it is at. Using all of your muscles to help stabilize you strengthens the muscles and tones the body.

Get it out. Blow it up and hop on it.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

A Pole Dancing Extreme

Though not as graceful as I like, this is an amazing display of skills, power and strength.

Miss Pole Dance Spain of 2007