Tip Of the Week

Core strength is essential for all activities; and that isnt just your abs, it is also your back!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Jenyne Butterfly

Jenyne never fails to remind me why I  believe she is the best, as her beauty, strength, and skillfull transitions blow me away everytime.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Pole Dancing Is an Art

Plyometric Drills

Plyometric exercises are the new craze. Though there are plyometric based exercises in all workouts. This workout is based on plyometrics. What is plyometric? It basically means any exercises based on jumping. Using your own body weight to create resistance, not only gives you a great workout, it also turns your body into an efficient machine built to move, jump, change speed, and direction. It increases your ability to react quickly to any situation. This is a great plyometric workout brought to you by Women's Health Magazine.
           Plyometric Workout

The Booty Camp Workout

Hello Ladies,

This is my kind of fitness. If you would like an at home workout DVD and looking for one that is worth the money. I would suggest checking this out. This is very similar to my Femme Mystique class I teach.