Tip Of the Week

Core strength is essential for all activities; and that isnt just your abs, it is also your back!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Cardio Vs. Strength

Anyone who knows me, knows that strength is absolutely my focus. Cardio is more of a necessary component.

When it comes to the battle between the two, it is all about what you are looking to get from your exercise routine.

Cardio blasts calories and improves endurance in whichever sport you practice; swimming, running, cycling. However, overall strength training burns more calories. Building muscle in your body burns calories during the strength training, as well as for about an hour afterwards. Because strength training is more demanding on your muscles, your body works harder to restore the muscles after the workout which continues to burn calories. In addition to burning more calories during recovery, for every 3 pounds of muscle you build, your body burns an extra 120 calories a day doing nothing, because muscle is harder for the body to sustain.

Though strength training gives you all of what you need right now, cardio is still necessary. Cardio's main benefit is longevity. Cardio keeps your heart healthy in more ways than one.

The Verdict?

Strength training should be priority to get the results you are looking for. Strength sessions should be 30 minutes, three to four times a week. While cardio can be sufficient two to three times a week for 30 minutes each session.

Pole Dancing Hits Headlines

Pole Dancing has come into the spotlight this past week with people debating if it should be an Olympic sport or not.

Anything that would add to the quality of pole dancing gets my support. I believe it is a challenging, beautiful sport, that takes both strength and finesse.

Keep your ears open for further news on pole dancing in the Olympics. Until then, there are plenty of other opportunities to compete.

Monday, February 22, 2010


This demonstration of strength, power, emotion, expression, and hours of hard work and practice is fantastic.

Please take the time to watch this amazing video. Power

A New Session

February is almost over and this week brings in a brand new pole session at Positive Energy.

As always, I am surprised at the hieght of excitement and continuous desire of all the students to better themselves in pole and in life. I am thrilled to be a part of your success.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Let's Talk: Motivation

The number one reason people do not reach their own potential is for the lack of motivation. To keep yourself going; start with small, detailed, attainable goals.

Women's Health Magazine compiled a list of 8 reasons you should stay motivated.

  1. To battle DEPRESSION
  2. To feel SEXY
  3. To stay HEALTHY
  4. For the KIDS
  5. To achieve new GOALS
  6. To feel HAPPIER
  7. To build STAMINA
  8. To have your CAKE (and eat it too!)

Core Strength

Core strength is necessary for all activities from daily activities to pole dancing.

One thing that is often forgotten is that your core, is not just about the front of your body. The core has three parts your front, sides, and back. Everyone is aware of the exercises for your abs, how about the other two?

A great way to strengthen your back is to do back extensions; they are easy to do and easy to modify if necessary.
If you need to modify the move; you can do this by leaving your hands on the mat and using them for support.

For the sides of your body, an excellent exercise is the side-plank. Which you can make more difficult by rotating with your free arm in the side-plank position.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Smart Fact

During the winter months it is a constant fight to avoid the winter blahs!

Quick Fix: Vitamin D, the new craze. Vitamin D mostly comes from the sun, though you can get small amounts from milk and dairy products. Taking vitamin D helps to boost mood, energy, and overall awareness in the winter. An interesting fact I just learned recently is that vitamin D is only absorbed well when take in conjunction with vitamin C. So you have to take both together to reap the benefits.

Good to know.

Videos to be Inspired By

Please view both of these videos. They are amazing!

The most interesting pole video I have seen is a combination of strength and tease......The Tango

This second video is one of many like it, a woman dancing by herself on stage, but it is pure strength and talent. Battle of the Pole

USA Pole Dance Championships

Pole Dance Championships:   Click here for more info and to buy tickets!

This is a phenomenal experience. I went last year and took some of my pole girls and went to the city, it was the first year for the USA championships and was a little rocky, but this year should be amazing.

I would recommend it to anyone that can make it to the city it is on March 19th a Friday evening. Tickets are cheap, please look into it.


Hello Ladies,

It has been a long time coming and now it is here. I have made myself put my obsession for pole dancing and fitness to good use and share it with the public. I hope to create an informational site for both pole dancers and all women who are interested in the fitness world.

I hope you enjoy!
