Tip Of the Week

Core strength is essential for all activities; and that isnt just your abs, it is also your back!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A New Favorite Pole Dancer

An amazing dance on a spinner pole. Love it!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Summer Snacks

Looking to trim down and still enjoy the summer?

Health Magazine did a gret job finding 8 Tropical Treats under 80 calories. These will satisfy those fun summer cravings.

Treat                                                                                 Calories
1 Large Starfruit                                                                         38
13 Pieces of Mike & Ike Tropical Typhoon Candies                        78
1/4 Cup Ciao Bella Passion Fruit Sorbet                                        60
3/4 Bag of Explorer's Bounty Puffed Banana                                  68
Sunrise in Miami Mocktail  (recipe below)                                     72
Yoplait Fiber One Key Lime Pie Yogurt                                          50
2/3 Cup Mango                                                                            71
O.N.E Coconut Water 11.2 oz                                                       60

Sunrise in Miami Mocktail Recipe:
3 1/2 Ounces pineapple juice, 2 ounce orange juice, crushed ice, orange slice to garnish!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Tone All Over

Shape Magazine came out with an article on Kim Kardashian's workout. With moves that work more than one muscle group and scorch calories. This is an excellent workout to jump start a new fitness plan or keep up with routine maintenance. Perfect for any body.

To get her moves. Click here.
If you don't have a medicine ball you can simply use a single heavy weight (8-10 lbs.) held between both hands. For the uneven push-up find a step or even a rock to use.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Let's Talk: Backside

Though we can't see it, it is always on our minds. Our backside.

Support your butt! Celulite is caused mainly by lack of blood flow. Therefore you can de-dimple your derrier faster than you think. A variety of squats and plyometrics would do it fast and efficiently.

For a great butt, check out Shapes' article for The Ultimate Butt.